OUTLINE & copy writing

lets take it back to the basics of all cooking, the epitome of comfort food and one of the foods im sure was many of our first introductions to cooking. a staple in my diet for sure. toast.

when does bread necessarily become toast? does it cease to be toast after its been toasted too much & burnt all over? these questions seems a bit metaphysical, like a “what came first the chicken or the egg”, but there is not an answer i can give you, instead the idea that toast can be so varying is what i take from these questions. in my mind, the definition of what is toast is defined by no one but yourself. take everything i tell you about toast with a grain of salt (or a grain of bread? ) as there are so many more methods and ways to make toast that I will not cover in this book, and what i do mention, you should not take as a one size fits all method, but instead apply it to your own tastes and style.

1. the toast

deeper look into toast -type (bread)

Before you even think about toasters or reach for the butter, we have to put our focus on the first important decision you need to make, and it’s one that could make or break your toast.

type of bread.

this is your canvas. your blank page. you need a sturdy support for your toppings of choice, but also something that will compliment the rest of your desired flavors.

to truly make an informed decision about your bread, you must know what you will put on your toast, but well get to that later, for now i just want to introduce you to to just a few of your many options

i mean there’s the classic toast type — your sara lee grocery store white breads that take on a beautiful golden color when exposed to the heat of a toaster and keep hints of that lovely soft, plush texture. you seriously cannot go wrong miss sara lee and her cousins for a basic butter toast, but as the toasts toppings get more complex, your bread should follow in suit

the sort of bread plushness that starts to be found in grocery store bread, can be found in few other types of bread- your potato, milk, and challah breads, they all have a wonderful pillowly nature that i would wager could be used as actual pillows in their loaf state. their toasted nature is equally successful in its crunch as it is in its absorbancy of any leftover sauces or yolks.

and following that, you could make a solid toast with a grocery store wheat or multigrain if your’e into that instead (i will always prefer a white bread toast to these).

grocery store bread makes for a wonderful toast, but maybe you want something a little different, especially if your thinking about forming a mountain of toppings on your toast (we’ll get to this later), you may need something a bit more structurally sound and some engineering may have to come into play.

a pugliese bread or another kind of rustic bread (🍞 levain, )may suite your structured needs, or perhaps a nice loaf of sourdough


if you feel like eatin more like a swede. consider a rye or pumpernickel or any dark brown, interesting-flavored adjacent bread