Cut n Paste workshop

when first looking at the rules provided by corita kent, the one about happiness resonated with me the most.

rule 9: be happy whenever you can manage it. enjoy yourself. its lighter than you think.

i immediately thought about the child-like nature of a set of rules like these, and it reminded me of the quotes and lists like these my mom would distribute and print out for my sister and i growing up.

i decided to just go first with creating the first thoughts that came to my head and see where it took me. thinking about the phrase “be happy” and the associations i had with that (especially as a child), i thought about how a literal bee is used often in conjunction with this phrase.

so i created the bee and the eyes with the “happy” as the mouth soon followed in my train of thought of “child-like” representations.


after building the “be happy”, I decided the rest of the text could be laid out above and below it without the use of this type of graphics. to create and interesting/more dynamic flow, I rotated the “rule” text and added a few more graphical elements to help the eye move through the text in an orderly manner. —(arrows, lines).

when laying out the text, I added a slight “grid” or lines to line up some the of the text (”09” with “whenever”) so that the design could have a bit more structure as a whole.

in terms of the choice to use varying sizes of letters, it slightly came from the fact that i could only find different sizes of the letters i needed, but also i thought the look of multi-size text played nicely into the “child-like” familiarity i wanted the design to have

and lastly, i decided last minute to add the sun, because in my mind, i interpret the quote as using “lighter” not in terms of weight, but in terms of bright, warm feeling i associate with light and the sun and the way that this is what happiness feels like to me.



how to/guidebook

in class, we ideated together on different ideas we may have for the guidebook and loosely went off guided questions in order to get the thoughts flowing. i was pretty sure going into this brainstorming session that i wanted to do a topic that related to food/culinary world since that is where my interests lie (possibly wanting to go to culinary school and combining design w food world). so, my immediate ideas all stemmed from what i already know/what i enjoy diving deeper in when it comes to food. besides truly food based ideas like all about eggs or all about toast, i also thought about the idea of how to throw a dinner party since i have a lot of both culinary but also visual knowledge around the subject. also, the idea of how to build a perfect sandwich intrigued me since there is so much that actually goes into the flavors, textures, and balance about a good sandwich and teaches one rules about pairing food/creating dishes that they could apply to other culinary attempts aside from sandwiches. ultimately, everyone whom i was brainstorming with were really stricken with the toast idea the most and i liked the idea of approaching such a commonplace, simple item with a in depth perspective that would allow me to mircro analyze every component of toast- and ultimately take the simple and unexpecting idea of toast to the extreme

in terms of the structure of the book, it will not be a step by step, counting or rules, but instead a sort of non-linear section progression in which knowledge is piled onto the user as it builds from section to section, so that at the end they will have a full knowledge of how to make perfect toast and simply the extent to which toast has a far reaching potential

in terms of who may be getting this knowledge or reading, i expect it to be anyone who enjoys toast or wants to learn a bit about how they can elevate their usual toasts. you wouldn’t have to be a toast fanatic to read/enjoy nor do you have to be culinaryly inclined, just simply someone who relates to the comfort and ease of toast.

i would hope the voice/tone of the book would be slightly analytical and descriptive at times, while also throwing in some personal anecdote and emotion as i get to know the reader, while also making sure there is some humor/light heartedness since this topic is fun and light